The Progression of Branding over the Past Centuries
Did you know that everyday, estimates show that the average person sees around 5000 logos a day!? We see so many that we are practically oblivious to them. If you take a moment and look a round where you are sitting, you will realize what I mean. They are everywhere – on your laptop, phone, sunglasses, lip balm, keys, wallet, stove and toothpaste. Everyday there are thousands of brands trying to communicate with you and build your trust.

About a century ago, all a company needed to be successful was to deliver with quality. If they sold a quality cup of coffee that tasted better then the one down the road, they were pretty much golden. However, nowadays with so much competition on the marketplace, there is a lot more for a company to check off. Branding is way more complex, and companies need to research their target niche and experiment with different marketing strategies.
A Brief History of Where it All Started
The art of branding goes way back to around 4000 years. The word branding originated from the Old Norse word brandr, which translates to “to burn”. This is because the first form of branding was farmers burning their own unique sign on their livestock to show ownership. Like the farmers, pottery makers in China branded their work by engraving their signs onto their work and Ancient Egyptians did so by carving symbols into pyramids for recognition. They all branded their products with a sign that showed recognition.

Progression of Branding
Branding has been evolving rapidly over the centuries. Originating from farmers showing ownership of their cattle, shifting to artisans claiming credit for their work. Today, it is most used by companies to build relationships with the public. It’s about owning up to a businesses’ values, building trust with their customers. Branding gives a company personality; it forms emotional connections connections with us that we don’t even notice until. There are so many new ways that companies are learning to brand themselves every day, from advertisements, to telling stories or sharing reviews.

Successful Brands
Apple is an amazing example of a successfully branded company, using several different methods to show their company values and story. In 1984, Apple had a Superbowl commercial that reached nearly 50% of American households! What made this advertisement special was the somewhat creepy storytelling in the advertisement that told the views they should break out of the normality in the world. The advertisement focused entirely on playing the emotions of the viewer and connecting with them instead of flashing how good their product was. This campaign was such a major success for Apple that brands all over America began to mimic their strategy. Today Apple’s brand loyalty is astonishing, with customers worldwide buying new versions of their products every year. I buy Apple’s products because I trust them and somehow, I can never see my self getting any other bran of smartphone ever. The company knows the importance of branding and has harnessed it to become the first American Trillion-dollar company in the world. Did you know, last year Apple spent a record breaking 1.8 billion dollars on marketing? Yes, you heard that right, 1.8 billion dollars!

What is a brand that you can’t stop buying from? Have you ever thought about why you love their product or brand itself? Next time you buy something try taking a moment thinking about why you trust this brand and what strategies they have used to gain your trust.
Arons, Marc de Swaan. “How Brands Were Born: A Brief History of Modern Marketing.” The Atlantic, Atlantic Media Company, 3 Oct. 2011,
Cantor, Aviva M. “A Brief History of Branding.” 99designs, 99designs, 12 June 2020,
Holland, Taylor. “What Is Branding? A Brief History.” Skyword, Skyword, 19 Aug. 2021,
Jones, Kristopher. “Council Post: The Importance of Branding in Business.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 24 Mar. 2021,
Thu, Usman Qureshi –, and Christopher Baugh. “Apple Stops Sharing How Much It Spends on Advertising.” IPhone in Canada Blog, 24 Nov. 2016,
Coyle, Krystyna. “13 Fun Facts You Wish You Knew about Branding – Plug & Play.” Plug and Play, 22 Dec. 2020,
October 8, 2021 at 3:00 am
Writing notes from Patrick
Hi Caleb
Good headline hook. Nice conversational chatty style. Good story and information. But Caleb! Grammar missteps: to a businesses’ values,
emotional connections connections, told the views, bran of. They spoil the trust you’re building with the reader. Did you use Grammarly? Did you read aloud and proofread? You wrapped it up well and made the headline pay off. It’s you who can’t stop spending money on Apple. Grammar matters!