Finding research for this project was fairly easy. Mainly asking friends to describe me in a few words, recalling things I’ve heard in the past, and looking at old projects where I’d have to describe myself. The analysis was just distilling info, nothing too difficult. However ideating and executing the actual written parts, while trying to make it full of personality was ridiculously difficult. I’m trying to say it out loud, which does help, but then adding professionalism and putting it on the actual ad to see how it looked like, really messed me up since I’d constantly reevaluate if it was something that sounded like me or if I was putting on a voice. Plus I dragged some parts out to inform what I like in terms of hobbies, like small quirks and points of curiosity. But I’m not sure it turned out that great.
Completing the project took about 8 hours altogether.
Almost 2 hours were dedicated to the research, drawing that fancy art in the background with multiple variations was about 1.5 hours. Then it was 2 excruciating hours of going back and forth with the text. Ideating took about .5 hours across the 8 hours, and was quick since I was going with the flow to be as natural as possible.
I’d say that I deserve an 8/10. My text is as good as I could muster it up to be, however there are definitely much better ways of putting words together that I haven’t comprehended. Other aspects are straightforward and I tried to put it together in an interesting cohesive way.