320 – Mentorship Phase 1


Reflecting on the first phase of the mentorship project was fun. When I spoke to my mentor I found that for my specific project, that being storyboarding for an episode of a hypothetical new show, instead of a written brief to go back to, there is instead a kickoff meeting where everything is said and set down. 

When I started talking to Jess Pollard, we both agreed that starting early would benefit me greatly. Therefore we began scriptwriting and getting a lot of the groundwork done by the time of our “official” start date.

What I learned was more about the industry and being a storyboard artist is basically a jack of all trades in the animation industry, combining the knowledge of cinematography/film, animation, and drafting, which makes it a job one level before that of a full director! What was really rewarding with starting early was getting to sit down and flesh out my idea with a “pro” from the industry, I also just loved the fact that jess kept giving me all these terms to learn about. I was given some homework to gather resources and storyboard to an episode of a show I’m watching, which was really challenging because I was told not to pause. Through that I got a feel for how quick-paced and loose storyboarding HAD to be.

I believe that the mark I deserve for this section would be 9/10 because of the amount of groundwork I had to make up for in comparison to storyboard artists being given a style guide and script to work with.

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