Peter Saville

Peter Saville was born in 1955 in Manchester, Lancashire. He began his studies at Manchester Polytechnic for graphic design until 1978. Following his education, he had a meeting with Tony Wilson. Wilson owned Factory records, which was an established record label, and helped secure Saville’s entry into the music design scene. Below is an example of his promotional work for Factory Records (Petridis, 2013).

Saville is most known for his album cover art, a majority of which he completed for artists under Factory Records. His most notable and recognizable imagery was for Joy Divisions album “Unknown Pleasures”. This imagery collected a cult following and had been re-printed and stolen countless times.

He also created notable work for New Order’s album Blue Monday and another one of Joy Divisions albums “Closer”.

Aside from album covers Saville also worked in branding and as a creative director. He created this spread for Burberry London. Saville had a unique personality that translated into his work.

Following years of album design work, he transitioned to the position of creative director for his hometown council (ArtNet,n.d).

Works Cited:

2022. Peter Saville | Biography, Designs and Facts. [online] Famous Graphic Designers. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 March 2022]. 2022. Peter Saville. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 March 2022].

Images from

Barbara Stauffacher Solomon

Barbara Stauffacher Solomon was a pioneer of the supergraphics movement and her work.

Barbara and one of her supergraphics

She has worked in the design field for over 70 years. She studied under Armin Hoffmann and this contributed to some of the Swiss elements being present in her work. One of these was her love of Helvetica which she included in her super graphics work often.

The supergraphics came out of her experimental work on a project for Sea Ranch. She applied graphics on the walls of the building and completely changed the space. One of these graphics was the rams horn logo as shown below.

These large graphics on the wall became known as supergraphics (Williamson,2021).
This won her an award from the American Institute of architects and she continued her career in design from here (Segran,2021).

She was able to blend together architecture, landscapes, and graphic design to create her unique visuals. I think that she has created a super fun and bold style. I love the look of the large graphics in interiors it adds a distinct 70’s feel and ties together the room.

Images from:

Lateral Objects. 2022. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 3 March 2022].

Segran, E., 2022. The most influential designer you’ve never heard of is a 92-year-old artist in SF. [online] Fast Company. Available at: <> [Accessed 3 March 2022].