It was really interesting developing my own logo. Throughout the ideation process it really highlighted what kind of graphic devices or illustration I feel fits who I am. I think I have had the most fun designing this logo than any other logo I’ve done for a class project. The hardest part was probably choosing which three logos to develop! So now let me explain why I chose the ones I did.

I. Loop de Loop

I chose this one because it felt like it showed my personality and the way I work in an abstract way. Hand-drawn looping type feels like it fits me and I know that I have lots of illustrated work in my portfolio, so when used on a website it doesn’t distract from that work.

II. Downside Up

This one originally didn’t make it into the top 3. I had just my first name done up in hand-lettering but when I looked at all three logos I had chosen, it didn’t fit. When I went back to look at my sketches and the more I thought about it, the more the Downside Up made sense. Plus Judy had liked it from the beginning. It had more character (pun intended), was more creative and I felt like it showed more of the way I think, as well as my personality.

III. Zig Zag

This was the first idea I had. I loved it at first but the more I worked with it, the more I thought it wouldn’t really work well as a logo. I think it might detract from the work when it’s on a website and when the mark is shown without the illustrative elements, it’s a bit boring and doesn’t speak to who I am as a whole. The plethora of illustrations can’t be used in every situation, so it makes it a difficult logo to work with. I do think it’s a fun idea however, and it definitely shows off my playfulness, my love for ideation and metaphor.

Overall I think the whole process was really fun. It was nice to take some time to think about what our strengths are, where we can improve, how we’re perceived and what we want our careers and lives to look like. Plus I loved being pushed to ideate so much! That’s one of my favourite parts of any project so it was a delight to be able to indulge in it (and sweat a little) for this project.