Adding value to your work is one skill, communicating value is another.
During week 3 and 4, I spent most of my time working on moodboards, logo design, user persona and user interview. One takeaway I got from my mentor this week is the importance of selling your work both visually and verbally. Seeing examples of our guest speaker, OkDave, presentation examples really reminded me of the importance of communicating value.
Moodboards + Logo Design:
During logo ideation, I also read about the brand articles that explains the rationale behind their logo design. As a digital product that features audio reminders and mood uplifting activities for dementia patients, the goal of my logo is to communicate the brand attributes of : harmony, confidence, intimacy, dependability and inclusion.

Rate: 9/10
I was feeling less certain with my progress in week 3 due to the fact that I was a little behind schedule. After evaluating the schedule again and revising the moodboard, I feel a little more confident with the upcoming weeks. During phase 3, I am hoping to vectorize the logo sketches, brand guide as well as user flow, user interviews and mi-fi wireframes.
Phew, a lot of work to do here but I am excited about the process and the outcome! I have learnt so much within these past 4 weeks and I am extremely grateful for my mentor’s input in this journey!
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