Joyce Chan

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131 Survey 3: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Baroque)                   Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (c. 1618 – 1682)  is known as one of the most famous Baroque painters in the 17th century. Living in Sevilla, a region with great exposure of… Continue Reading →

131 Survey 2: Raphael

Raphael (High Renaissance & Mannerism) Along with Michelangelo and Leoardo da Vinci, Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, also known as Raphael,  was one of the greatest masters (often known as the holy trinity of Renaissance) that marked the beginning of the High… Continue Reading →

131 Survey 1: Robert Campin

Robert Campin (Late Gothic & Early Renaissance) Being one of the greatest contributors to the new painting style in the 15th century, Robert Campin’s works marked the transition from the Gothic to Renaissance in art. Some of his most famous… Continue Reading →

141 Survey 1: The Beginning of Written Communication

Lecture: Handprint & Handwriting ( 35,000 BCE – 0 CE) In our 141 Survey 1 on 35,000 BCE to 0 CE, we traced back to the earliest evolution of written communication systems in different parts of the world including the… Continue Reading →

“Music & Cityscape” Yearbook Spread

My Yearbook Spread: Music & Cityscape Creative Process The music-themed design for the yearbook spread was inspired by my passion for music. During the brainstorming phase, I did a few different layouts and I tried adjusting the composition with text… Continue Reading →

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