Survey 9 Spread Rationale: Breuer’s Bauhaus


For my final spread I was given an artifact to create from the era of the Bauhaus. I chose to represent furniture created by Marcel Breuer, the teacher who led the cabinetry department and provided the bauhaus with the furniture that is so often sought after, even today. I constructed the chair out of a cut up sock, acrylic paint, paper clips, and lots and lots of gorilla glue. I wanted to represent the chair shown below. Breuer’s inspiration to utilize bicycle wheel designs in his furniture as well as the multi layered designs of his magazine racks caught my attention, and I wanted to focus on them in this spread. I wanted to include the organic red shapes to draw on the geometric branding of the bauhaus, as well as to “dirty the frame,” and pay homage to the primary colour palette the designers of the Bauhaus so often used.

Looking back, I would give myself an 8/10, as the photos required a large amount of colour correcting, and I had to use a small amount of photoshop to insert the title and my name in the lower corner. Additionally,  I think the magazine rack could have been executed in a more interesting way, and I could have included something on top of it to entertain the eye more.

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